BodyShock Treatment Certification
Price $1450
*Price subject to change
1 Day Course
Course Includes:
- Product Overview
- Instructor Demonstration On Various Part Of The Body
- Student Practice On Live Model
- Professional Clinical Product (Full Kit)
- Training Manual, Consent Form
- Certification
- Course Is Taught By Licensed Esthetic Instructor
- The Ultimate Body Treatment!
- BodyShock Is A 100% Customizable Integral Treatment Designed For 6 Specific Areas Through Unique Techniques And Formulas Developed With Ultraconcentrated Active Ingredients.
Are You Ready To Take Your Body Contouring Treatments To The NEXT LEVEL?!
- These Manual Treatments Can Be Used Alone Or To Enhance Your Clients Body Contouring Treatments Done With Your Modalities.
- Treat Localized Adiposity!
- Your Clients Will Achieve The Ultimate Results.
- This Treatment Is Also Prefect For Post Op Clients:
- Can Be Used Immediately After Surgery. No Need To Wait
- Reduces Inflammation/Swelling And Fluid Retention
- Relieves Discomfort
This treatment is the integral solution to reshape the silhouette. The final shock treatment for 6 zones 100% adaptable to your needs, acting in the strategic areas of the body: legs, abdomen and flanks, buttocks, arms, double chin and breasts. The body shock treatment consists of a first phase based on 10 manual sessions in our beauty room, being able to treat more than one area in the same session, achieving a more defined silhouette in only 5 weeks.
With the range of body shock products you get a treatment that has a draining and anti-cellulite effect, the stretch marks are also redefined and the localized fat is eliminated and the silhouette remodeled.
The product our students use is clinical strength professional grade product. Product will be available for purchase on our private student shop.
You can combine the BodyShock treatment with your body contouring modalities for the ultimate results. You will learn this in the day of course.