Learn The Beauty Pro Institute Secrets & Techniques From Anywhere In The World. We Have Designed Every Online Course With You In Mind. Do You Have A Passion For Beauty And Yearn For More Education And Guidance?
Our master educators perform procedures on real clients for the most accurate training techniques.
You get up close angles on all of our procedures. Also, if you ever miss anything just go back to what you missed and you can watch it again!
Direct Access To Master Educators
Get help along the way by connecting with our master educators. They are right there along the way to help guide you and give you helpful tips on your practice and procedures. We believe on going support is an important part of training
You will love your online training!

Complete your purchase online and we will email you your registration paperwork through email.
Work through the modules of your chosen course in an easy step-by-step format.
Receive a hard copy signed certificate by mail.
Many of our online courses include ongoing support.

We want to support and encourage you as an artist and give you the tools you need to succeed in the industry.
Get started today and call or text us at (949)868-7115 to select your online course.